
December 2022 Note – Post #2

December, 2022

Although our 50th reunion was now weeks ago, I am still buzzing from how much fun it was to be together with those who came for the two gatherings. We hugged and laughed and the years seemed to fall away. Many conversations included the phrase, “do you remember when…” as we spent time with those who were part of our most formative years. 

I created this website/blog to give space and support for keeping the memories and connections going. The purpose is to catch those recollections and stories and share them among ourselves.  

So far, I’ve gathered memories from the following people: Benton Britt, Harry Brown, Kelley Burford, Shauna Burke (Jackson), Carol Hunt (Brodel), Barbara Jones (Tyner), Katy Kupecz, Jack Nisley, Cherry Odelberg, and Tammy Shriver (Keller). 

The first people I turned to were Harry, Barbara, and Cherry because they are established writers, having published novels, and they all agreed to write their memories for this project. In his book, Sundays in August, Harry drew on his childhood experiences in the Orchard Avenue neighborhood. A chapter from Sundays is included here on the “Early Years” tab, where Harry describes the plaintive roars of the Lincoln Park zoo lion, Leo. Harry’s story takes us back to that time and prompts us to each remember it in our own way. And that, my friends, is the point of this site. 

With the others, I contacted them after learning they would not be at the reunion and asked if I could interview them. It was so special to hear their responses to the open-ended questions about favorite memories from 1954-1972. One person – Shauna Burke – actually changed her mind about attending and was able to make last-minute plans to come to the reunion; so glad you did, Sha-na-na! And while Ben Britt (I grew up with him as Benton, which is how I will probably always refer to him) couldn’t make this one, he promised to come to the 60th. An optimist!

These memories are from only 10 people – we’re just getting started here! I’m eager to connect with more classmates, especially those people I don’t know, and gather your thoughts and recollections. Use the form on the Contacts page or write to me at helen@gjhstigers72.com. Everyone’s memories are precious. 

The Reunion page has the link to the really great photos taken both nights. If you haven’t looked at them yet, follow the link, and spend time with them — they’re splendid. 

I hope you, my fellow classmate, enjoy reading these reminiscences — perhaps they will inspire you to join in the fun. Drop me an email, tell me your reaction, and let’s chat.

Forever Tigers,


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